
How To Put Suet Cakes In A Bird Feeder

Feeding suet to birds tin can attract an amazing variety of birds to your backyard. Many of these birds will be birds that cannot be attracted with bird seed.

To concenter the most birds, suet feeders should be placed carefully. To continue the suet fresh it should be shaded from the heat of the twenty-four hour period. You should put a suet feeder on its own pole, upwardly high, and perhaps with a squirrel baffle. Suet can be spread on a tree trunk, but is often better served in special suet cages. Suet feeders should be be placed where they can exist seen by birds and by human observers. Finally, the placement of all feeders should be so that birds practise not fly into windows.

Photo of a large flock of Bushtits on a suet feeder
At least 22 Bushtits on a suet feeder!
Photograph by Greg Gillson

What is suet and why feed information technology to birds?

First, some definitions. Truthful suet is the hard fat around the kidneys of cows and sheep. Rendered fat is whatsoever fat from an animal melted downward and re-hardened. Lard is rendered fat from pigs, often from the abdomen.

Suet that is fed to birds is any of these, often with added oats, corn repast, wheat flour, or peanut butter to keep it from melting as easily. Other additives include bird seed, basics or fruits.

Insect-eating and omnivorous birds are specially attracted to suet feeders. Wrens, nuthatches, chickadees, creepers, kinglets, starlings, and woodpeckers are peculiarly attracted to suet feeders.

Basically, think of suet as a big, fat, juicy, grub. Yum!

But other birds, including wintering warblers will also consume suet. If the suet contains seeds or nuts, then seed-eating birds will besides eat it.

Photo of Downy Woodpecker on suet feeder
Downy Woodpecker on suet cage
Photo by Greg Gillson

Block suet, suet dough, or bark butter?

Suet can exist fed to birds in a number of different ways. Some of these may exist new to y'all every bit they were to me!

The most common way to feed suet to birds is in pre-packaged blocks with their ain suet feeder cage. The metal cage keeps larger birds and animals from just conveying off the suet. It is easy to make clean and replace the suet blocks.

The about common style to identify a cage-style suet feeder is to hang it from a shepherd's hook pole. But they tin too exist hung from hooks under the eaves. They may hang from a tree limb.

Some suet comes in dough-like balls. These can exist placed in the open on platform feeders. They may be hung in a cyberspace onion handbag. At that place are likewise many differently shaped metal cages for suet balls.

Some homemade suet is called suet dough. Basically, the recipe is 1 part lard and ane office chunky peanut butter melted in the microwave. And so 3 parts corn repast, 1 part wheat flower, and ane part oatmeal, is mixed with it. Nuts, fruit, or bird seed may be added.

This soft suet dough, bootleg or commercially bought, may likewise be spread into crevices of pine cones, special log feeders with holes drilled in them, or spread on the bark of trees. Ane of the spreadable suet doughs is trademarked as "bark butter."

There are too suet nuggets with special feeders.

Visit Amazon to look at suet and feeders:

Different kinds of suet on Amazon

Unlike kinds of suet feeders on Amazon

Identify suet feeders in the shade to keep it fresher longer

Suet volition melt if it becomes likewise warm.

Generally, suet remains solid up to about 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 C). If the temperature is consistently higher up this, it is best non to feed suet.

Melted suet is messy and can glaze bird's feathers.

Notwithstanding, no-melt suet is rendered several times to heighten its melting point. The addition of corn meal or other grains assist keep it held together.

To assist suet concluding longer, place the suet feeder where it is shaded from the heat of the 24-hour interval. Placing suet feeders in the shade of a tree or bush will keep it cooler and fresher.

Fat will become rancid afterwards a while, with a disagreeable odor. Thus, suet should exist replaced if information technology hasn't been eaten in a calendar week (less time in warm weather). And so, you lot shouldn't place too much out at once.

Store extra suet in your freezer until y'all are ready to put information technology out for the birds.

Photo of Ruby-crowned Kinglet in a tangle of branches
Cerise-crowned Kinglets love suet!
Photo past Greg Gillson

Place suet feeders up higher from the footing

Animals other than birds will be attracted to suet. So you will want to place suet higher up where racoons, coyotes, and other wild animals can achieve.

It may be that dogs will be the biggest problem. So identify the suet out of the accomplish of dogs and information technology should be good for other animals, every bit well.

Squirrels tin can leap up about 4 feet to reach a bird feeder. But they can spring about 10 feet horizontally to achieve a feeder. You lot may need squirrel baffles to go on squirrels from climbing up from below or invading from above. Consider this if you have tree squirrels, as they dearest suet, too.

Identify suet feeders abroad from the seed feeders

It is probably best to place suet feeders by themselves on their own pole. Birds that consume suet are hands startled by the flocking birds that eat seeds. Seed bird feeders are a hub of activeness. Birds that consume suet tend to be more than timid and wary.

If you live in a location where winters are cold and summers are hot, I have this idea. Place a bird feeder pole away from the other birds feeders. On this pole hang a suet feeder in wintertime and a hummingbird feeder in summer. Switch off in March and October.

Nosotros talked nigh squirrels already. But some other pest to the suet feeder is European Starlings. To keep starlings off suet feeders you may try a couple things.

An upside-downward suet feeder allows smaller birds and woodpeckers to reach the suet. Simply starlings tin't hang and feed like these other birds.  [Upside down suet feeders on Amazon]

A baffle immediately over the suet cage can accomplish the same thing--keeping the starling from standing on summit of the suet feeder to consume.

A longer concatenation on the suet feeder starts spinning and swinging when the starling tries to accomplish the suet. That keeps the starlings from getting much.

Putting suet feeders on a tree

Many of the birds that are attracted to suet feeders naturally feed in trees. Thus putting a suet feeder most, under, or in a tree is a adept idea. Yous are placing the feeder where the birds already are!

You tin place a suet feeder on a pole well-nigh or under a tree to provide shade. This gives you the most options as to placement.

Yous can hang a suet feeder from a branch of a tree, whether the tree is large or small.

And you lot can attach a suet feeder to the trunk of a tree where creepers and nuthatches and woodpeckers feed.

The one disadvantage of hanging a suet feeder on a tree is that squirrels love suet and may swallow the suet instead of the birds.

Why offer birds suet? This brusque video tells you!

Placing suet feeders so they can be seen

If birds can't find your feeder they won't employ it. So the placement of your suet feeder is very important.

If you lot have other feeders, then y'all tin place a suet feeder nearly, but not likewise close, to them. Suet-eating birds may be attracted to the seed feeder activity and spot the suet feeder.

You may also place suet nether a tree. Many of the birds that consume suet are likely to be birds institute in trees or bushes, rather than on the basis. So they'll see the feeder when they are in the these, their favorite habitat.

You may even want to make the suet feeder very obvious at start. You may identify the suet clearly on a feeder pole right out in the middle of your open lawn. Once birds find it, yous can motion it to a more secluded area.

For your enjoyment, you must be able to see the suet feeder from inside your dwelling. What window will you wait out of to watch birds? Is it the living room? Kitchen? Somewhere else?

Virtually of the bird activity will be in the early morning. What room are you in and so? Will the sunlight exist at the right angles and so yous can clearly run across the birds? Give this some serious consideration.

Fugitive bird window collisions

The dominion of thumb is to locate feeders more than than xxx feet away from picture windows or less than 3 feet. Expect! What? Less than 3 anxiety away? Is that right? Yes. Allow me explicate.

Birds fly into windows because they don't see them. They don't sympathise that windows are solid. They think if you can see through information technology, you can fly through it. They are unable to larn near windows. Window collisions kill many, many birds.

When birds try to fly through a window they strike it caput offset. This causes a concussion or death.
If the feeders are placed 30 feet away from moving-picture show windows, birds are unlikely to wing toward the house if they are startled. Less than that distance and window strikes go upwards. That makes sense.

However, if the feeder is placed within 3 anxiety of the window a couple of things happen to reduce window strikes and injury.

Showtime, birds startled from the feeder toward the window are just getting started and flying slowly. If they hit the window they will non strike every bit hard.

Second, when close to start with, they are likely to see their reflection and have time to veer off as they are about to run into their own reflection. They are more likely to strike the window with their trunk or feet than their caput, if they hit the window at all.

If you lot have problem with birds hitting your windows, place decals or decorations on the glass.

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